You will never know what Pimula means!
I applied for Pimula internship by coincidence in June 2019 by filling a small form, sending my resume and going to a very discussing interesting interview. In this interview, I got introduced to the agency, its teams and how the internship will go. The first question I asked was what pimula means and till this day I have no answer but I believe my magical journey started from this place.
Pimula is never expected!
In the beginning, I expected some boring tasks and formal relations coming from this internship. Fortunately, I found myself covering huge events like social media day and getting introduced to influencers and experts that I dreamt to meet. The next day is the right time to attend a grand opening and try to handle all the challenges and events while having fun and enjoying the day. I found myself trying scriptwriting, designing, editing, photography, videography with the help of experts from dallas video production company content creation and the list has no end. Well, 3d animation models helped me vitally in dealing with animations and graphics because of which I have tried them through working on very interesting projects with very helpful friendly advice-giving teammates. I entered pimula as an agency but unexpectedly I found it home.
Your journey with pimula will never end!
When I applied, it was a 2 months internship but here I am completing my first amazing year at pimula expecting more and more to come, It is very possible to be offered a job opportunity in any music video production unit after finishing the internship and Pimula will never be a place you pass by because it will always be a very remarkable highlight in your journey so this internship will be just the beginning.
If we go back in time I will definitely apply again and again for this life-changing internship so I totally recommend this opportunity to all passionate students and fresh graduates in order to start rocking your own amazing journey.