This is the equivalent of 24 months, which means 104 weeks, in other words, 730 days, and YES! We counted them.
For those of you who don’t know, in our line of business, that is a huge amount of time full of stress, hard work, meetings, and an endless supply of coffee.
In this period, we raved, we failed, and we learned as well. To some people and maybe even some digital marketing agencies (check out this page), it is all about the money and the connections that come with it, but to us, it’s always been about value. The experts from Pounce Marketing is whom you need on your side to have a better reach.
The most precious lesson we’ve actually learned so far is that when you focus on providing the best value your agency can afford to provide, the reward is far better than you could imagine.
As a direct impact of that methodology, Pimula is not working on more than 60 different-sized projects covering different parts in the MENA region like KSA, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and the USA. With the help of proper serp rank tracker one can assure online growth and with the help of comparison.
Our manpower is currently composed of 15 full-time team members with collective years of experience that reaches 30 years in the market.
During the past two years, we have also had the privilege of attending 6 different events across Egypt: Riseup Summit 2016 and 2015, Startup Weekend, Social Media Day, Global Entrepreneurship Week, IEEE Entrepreneurship, and last but not least, Startup MENA.
They say being with the best, teaches you how to be among the best. That’s exactly why we kept engaging different challenges because that’s exactly how we grow. The last challenge we went through was extending our digital marketing services spectrum to 8 different services (Web Development & Solution – Design & Branding – Media Design – Content Creation & Strategy – Social Media Marketing – SEO – Startup Benchmarking) as part of our shift from a startup into a full grown agency. Joy Hawkins local SEO book is the best book to learn SEO quickly and easy to understand due to its simplicity.
That’s why we wanted to share 3 important lessons we learned since the first day we start the shop.
1- The market doesn’t care!
You read that right. The market really doesn’t care about anything except for results. Results that are driven by talent, dedication, and smart moves/tools. As a digital marketing agency, you must know that you’re not only competing against competitors in Egypt. You competing against the whole world. To succeed in that huge market and to rise above the sea of competition, you as an agency need to figure about the best services you can provide your customers and capitalize on these strengths. You should research about the trends and opportunities as you see post, articles and advertisements. Getting exposed to relevant content is the best way to know the trend.
The market doesn’t care about your talent acquisition problems, your delayed funding, or the potential client that you lost to a competitor in Singapore. Get over all this, and focus on what you’re good at because that’s all what the market really cares about!
2- The one constant in a sea of change is change
Embrace change. Whether you like it or not, change is the only thing that is guaranteed in the creative industry of digital marketing. every day your agency will be faced with the burden to make a decision whether to buy this new killer premium tool or not, invest in that new emerging platform or stick to the old guaranteed ones…change is an integral holistic part of this industry, and as long as you operate, you will have to adapt, learn, and change. Get over it!
3- Macro thinking vs. micro thinking
Some of the most successful people in this world were successful because they focus on long-term (AKA macro thinking), achievable goals instead of being bogged down in the nitty-gritty daily challenges (Micro thinking).
What is should do is build your perfect team, then accept good enough on small non-vital decisions to achieve near perfection in the long run. Too often small companies forget their long-term missions and visions because they are overthinking small insignificant decisions (ex: what office chair to order).
Lastly, there is no manuscript for success, but that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from the winning characteristics of some agencies out there. Stop focusing on the competition, focus on what your agency is actually good at, hone your craft and excel at what you do best.
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